This review from Sheri Bebee for Reader Views 9/14:
“Skyscrapers” by Jill Wilson Brennan is a suspense drama around two CEO’s… a cunningly woven sequence of events takes the story to untold twists… Will these powerful CEO’s survive and prosper in spite of all their challenges? Wow. Quite the agenda going on in this story… there was definitely a lot of action and suspense, and the story had some very unique twists and turns. “Skyscrapers” by Jill Wilson Brennan kept my attention until the very end and I’m certain it will be a hit with lovers of a good, distinctive suspense story.”
Jill lived in New York, Paris and London before settling in Chicago. She has had a very eclectic life, aspects of which appear in her new novel Skyscrapers. She has three children, all married, and serves as Director of a major children's hospital.